
Monday, 13 June 2016

I can't believe that my brother scored a try!

Sacred Heart College Rugby Game
It was a sunny and hot day when my family and I went to both of my brother's rugby games at Sacred Heart College. We went in my mum's big silver car and I was so excited to go to the rugby field.

Once we arrived at the school, it took us a while to find ourselves a parking spot. After that, we went searching for the field that my brothers were playing on. My brothers were both in different teams so my dad went to watch my older brother Joseph play at field 5, while my mum, sister and I watched my other brother Ben's game on field 3. His team was versing Green Bay College and they were from west Auckland, which is really far away from where the games were! We sat on folding chairs, while we were watching the game.

Eventually the game started, unfortunately my brother wasn't playing in the first half. All of us cheered for Sacred Heart and we were roaring as loud as lions. Sacred Heart gave it all and they were ahead of the other team.

When my brother was on the field, he ran up and down the field and we were all so proud of him because we knew he was trying his best. In the middle of the game, someone from Sacred Heart College had the ball and they were right next to the try line and all of a sudden he passed the rugby ball to my brother and he scored a brilliant try! We all screamed and jumped up for joy!

Not long after my brother scored a try, the game ended and Sacred Heart College won against Green Bay College, 100 - 0! It was really good for my brother's team because they had improved so much since the last games. When my dad and my other brother came back from their game, they told us that they had lost that game but my dad said that he played really well!

As we were driving home, we decided to stop at Carl's Jr. to have something to eat. We ate burgers and french fries. The burgers were scrumptious and the french fries were golden and very crispy! To quench our thirst, we drank coke in a cup with a long, red straw.

Finally, we went home. We cleaned up our house before we all took a rest. I felt so exhausted and so did the rest of my family. I enjoyed watching my brother's game and my favourite part was watching my brother score an incredible try! Maybe next time we can film the try or game on my dad's phone!
Learning intention: We are learning to understand and use language features in our recount.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I use appropriate sequencing words and maintain the past tense throughout my recount.

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