On Sunday the 11th of September, it was my 11th birthday. We decided to go to my aunt's house for my celebration. We used my mum's car to travel there and I was very excited.
First we had to stop at the Cheesecake shop to get a birthday cake for me and I chose a strawberry cheesecake. There was strawberry jam that oozed over the top of the cake.
After we purchased our cake, we drove straight to my aunt's house. When we arrived there, I greeted everyone and they also greeted me and whispered, "Happy Birthday". When everyone arrived at the house, we all gathered and said a food grace to bless the food which we were about to eat.
When I finished consuming on my scrumptious dinner, I went outside to play with my four cousins. We played hide and seek tag with a hard, purple ball that had 'Lakers' on it. First we played rock, paper, scissors as a group to see who was the seeker and who was going to hide. I was the hider and my older cousin was the seeker. I decided to hide behind my uncle's orange car. I stayed there for a little while until I saw my cousin. I ran as fast as a cheetah to find another hiding spot. Soon I started to feel butterflies in my stomach because I couldn't find anywhere to hide. Two minutes later, I started to feel exhausted so I rested for a while. However while I was catching my breath, my cousin threw the ball at me and it hit me so I became the seeker. I wanted to chase after him but the rules were that you can't hit the person who just threw the ball at you so I decided to look for my niece.
After a while, the sun was setting, so we went back inside and we went in just in time for dessert but first I had to blow out my birthday cake. I sat down and my sister brought out the cake and put it on a small, round glass table. I made a wish as well. Then I blew out 11 different coloured candles that were placed on the cake. Everyone sang the 'Happy Birthday Song' beautifully and clapped eleven times. I was filled with joy.
Eventually, it was time to eat the cake and ice cream. So I sat at the dinner table to eat my birthday cake. The cake was delicious and it was moist. The strawberry jam was sweet and delicious.
Sadly, it was time to go home. I was having a great time but it was getting late so it was time to say goodbye to my family. I had a great birthday celebration at my aunt's house and my favourite part was playing hide and seek tag with the ball because it was fun and it is one of my favourite games.
Learning Intention: We are learning to understand and use descriptive language.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use metaphors and adjectives to describe my birthday celebration.
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