
Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Yay! We're going to play badminton!

On the 15th of May Room 7 played Badminton in the hall. We played Badminton as part of our Kiwi-sport sports programme. Room 7 had to walk in the cold drizzling rain.

When we arrived into the hall we were told by Miss Chao to take off our shoes and socks. The coach introduced himself, his name is Ben. The very first activity that we did was jogged across the hall and back again. Then we had to jog sideways facing the wall back and forth. It was very hard. Ben said, " the people who are coming first back are doing it wrong and the people who are coming in last are doing it right!" I was doing it wrong because I was one of the first ones back. We kept going until we warmed up. We had to go over again and again because everyone was doing it wrong.

The next thing we did was we grabbed a racket each and Ben taught us about it. We learnt the parts of the racket. There is a head, shaft and a grip. The racket is made of steel so if we hit someone with the racket and they will get hurt. We also learnt the two ways to hold the racket. The fore hand grip and the back hand grip. When we are holding the racket the fore hand grip, our knuckles have to be facing the ground and when we are holding racket the back hand grip, our knuckles should be facing up towards the ceiling.

Then we got the shuttles and hit them up and down to see how many hits we could hit without missing. My highest score was 7. We held the racket using the fore hand grip. We then did the same challenge but using the back hand grip. It was a lot easier than the first round as we've more practice. My highest score for the back hand was was 9. I thought that the back hand grip might be the way that I can always hold the racket when I am playing badminton.  After that there was a challenge for the whole class to to participate in. We all had to hit the shuttle up and down towards the ceiling. If we drop the shuttle we have to sit down. The challenge was extremely hard. The winners of the challenge was R.J and Aiden.

I had a lot of fun learning about badminton. I hope I can learn more about badminton and improve my skills hitting the shuttle next time.    

WALT: understand and use descriptive language.
I know this when I use adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

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