When we arrived at Hunter's plaza we went to the food court to have something to eat because we were starving. We went to LJ's food store where they sell different types of seafood. I ordered fish and chips and we all ate at one table as a family. The food was delicious.
Next we went to my sister who was trying on some canvas shoes that were 5 dollars so she asked my dad. My dad said yes to buying my sister's shoes so my brother and I decided to ask my dad if we could buy the Monopoly board game. Unfortunately he said no because he did not want us to get distracted by playing the game while we needed to do homework.
After that my brothers, sister and parents and I went to the gaming area so we could play some games. We played on a machine called the claw. We had to try and grab the stuffed animal with a metal hand. We tried to grab for about 10 times and we still failed. (What a waste of money)
Finally it was time to go home. I was exhausted so I went to sleep.
I had so much fun at Hunter's plaza and I hope next time we go we can get the game board that my brother and I wanted to have.
We are learning to understand and use language features.
I know this when I use appropriate sequencing words and past tense correctly in my writing.