It was a Saturday Morning and I was awoken by the devastatingly bright light shining from the sun
shining into my face. If the sun hadn't woken me up I would've still been dead asleep by midday.
But as I woke up, the rest of the household was also awake. I clicked and remembered that it was
Saturday which meant we were getting ready to head off to a beach trip my whole extended family
had planned. I was certainly happy about what was in stock for that day since the past weeks had
been sizzling and so hot. Going to the beach was perfect.
Quickly but carefully I packed my bags with a couple of change and toiletries making sure I had
everything I needed in my bag. Sunscreen was the one thing I certainly needed and was a must on
my list. I didn't want to burn in the sun.
As soon as everyone finished packing their things we all headed into the car ready for a long trip
to Brown's Bay which is in North Shore. It takes about an hour and a half to make it there. As we drove
we stopped at the Bakery to have breakfast. Bakery isn't really a breakfast we are known for
eating everyday, it just seemed that it was a faster access to a breakfast that would keep us full for
quite a long ride.
For me the long ride was definitely not one of my favourite rides. It was long and with the weather
being really hot, it didn't make anything better especially with all our bags packed into the car barely
giving us space to move our arms! Although there would've been no other way we could make it to the
beach where the water could cool us down. Like they say, "Difficult roads can lead to a beautiful
destination" in this case the beautiful destination is the beach.
Finally as we made it to the beach, we took the bags out of the car and carried them over to our
family who had already made it there before us. We laid out our mats and put out chairs and put out
canopies which became very useful during the day. My dad and my uncles went straight on with
cooking the BBQ which everyone was keen about. The adults all prepared food and it smelt delicious.
When the adults finished preparing food and the children got bored of playing in the sand, our family
gathered together and had a feast. But first, we said our food grace in our language and ate the
scrumptious food.
As we finished eating, we waited a little while to digest our food before we swam. Swimming was fun
but I most definitely enjoyed spending time under the sun with my family and having time to interact
with them.